So, you may ask, “Why the heck did you do the timeshare tour?” And let’s be honest, 20% of meals, alcohol and other assorted sundries (plus subsidized diving) was worth 90 minutes. At the end of the spiel, we both declined, and got the “But if you sign right now, we’ll throw in the jacuzzi tub, too!!” spiel. Plus a last minute offer of a two year option to use the facilities in Mexico once a year. I had to laugh. Instead, I smiled and said this wasn’t our normal place for vacations, Micronesia was, and we wouldn’t use the two year option at all, as we didn’t plan a return trip for many, many years. When they got to the point where the talked about the cost of their time in showing us everything, I tuned out completely.
That done, we got our gold cards out, went and got lunch, and relaxed! Bottom line from that experience, although the discounts are nice, from now on it is most definitely “Heck, no!” when they ask us to do a timeshare tour ever again. At least for a while. You never know about Kona....
The day went pretty smoothly. We walked down to town on the beach (sunscreened and hatted, yes), looking for the dive shops. We were approached by dozens of folks hawking their wares, food, whatever, but kept on going. Then we made it to the marina, and were similarly accosted. I haven’t been approached by so many people since Marmaris. And when you say no, it’s similar to the time share mafia folks in the airport, they step in your way and shove things in your face. I felt a bit of New York coming out!
We made it to the dive shop, Sunshine Dive, in the Hotel Tesoro (Bob, you made it on a vacation with us finally!). The dive shop owner’s wife greeted us pleasantly, had us sign our PADI waivers, introduced us to the divemaster, and then didn’t even pull out any papers for signing a multi day contract! Nice atmosphere. And free Nitrox! Looking forward to tomorrow. They got a good write up in the Undercurrent diving magazine, too. Hopefully, we shall see the sand waterfalls tomorrow, can’t wait.
Walked back along the beach later in the evening, making it back to the Del Arco by sunset. Light supper, and a margarita or two, and then came back to post and to watch Date Night. Funny movie.
Off to bed, looking forward to the day beginning.