Batzers in Paradise

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Random musings to end the trip

As I sit here typing, the earth is swaying slowly beneath my feet.  When I woke up, it was swaying as if we were on 5 foot swells.  Getting used to land takes a little time after a live aboard.  A trip down to Java on the Rock was helpful in re-establishing equilibrium, but my sinuses are still somewhat backed up.  Nothing a little Emergen-C  can’t handle.  Unfortunately, what it cannot handle is my school course load, so this last entry is the last bit of procrastination I can do before getting back to Real Property.

We planned this trip last July, in preparation for law school.  We knew in May that we would be going to Palau in December, and then I decided to check on the kama`aina rate for the Kona Aggressor for spring break.  Somehow, I knew that I would be feeling overwhelmed, and have a need to get re-grounded so that I could start studying for finals.  I knew it needed to be diving, and for convenience’s sake, we decided to check out the Aggressor.  When the rate came back super favorably, we booked right away, and it has been something to look forward to this semester.

Now, after having spent a week on board, we wonder why we haven’t done this before.  We are huge advocates of shore diving, but it just doesn’t get you as far south as the Aggressor can.  And we were fortunate with the group that was with us.  We had Laura and Will, British ex-pats living and working in New York (Laura)/New Jersey (Will, from home); Gene and Andrea, out of British Columbia; Jan from Dallas; Jay (Brooklyn) and his son Lee (San Francisco); and Bette, Kim, Maggie & Peder, from the Seattle area.  They were wonderful people to getto know and to dive with, and it was a pleasure to spend this past week with them.  An extremely fortunate luck of the draw.

But back to the trip and to the diving.  Yes, we were incredibly spoiled, you cannot believe how spoiled.  But that really isn’t what amazed me.  I had forgotten how beautiful our own islands are, and how much there is to see.  We go to Micronesia for the warmth and the beauty there, but we forget how much there is to be appreciated in our own Hawaiian waters.  Like Dorothy said at the end of the Wizard of Oz, we really don’t need to look any farther than our own back yard.

We are planning on booking for next spring break, cannot wait to see what the Aggressor brings us then.
