Batzers in Paradise

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Muck diving

Today’s dives were both more than pleasant.  For our first dive, we dove from middle wall to Land’s End, looking once again at the sandfalls.  Not very active, but still blinding as you look.  It is amazing to see how rapidly they drop in depth, and the sheer darkness of the abyss that they fill.  There were what appeared to be dozens of scorpionfish out today, along with a host of goatfish, plus a tiny juvenile peacock razor wrasse flitting about.

This was our fourth day of diving sans wetsuits, and I was quite cold indeed, and jellyfish bitten all over my left leg.  Blech.  It is my full intent to wear a wetsuit tomorrow!!!!!

Second dive was at the feeding station.  We descended at the Snuba area (we were looking to make fun of those who couldn’t roam freely!), and made our way to the bait station.  Lots of big fish milling around.

There were a bunch of macro photo opportunities, to include a teeny tiny octopus that wouldn’t come out.  We had hoped to be somewhat warmer since the dive was shallow, but no luck!  At least there were no jellies.

The highlight of the day was probably stopping in town for lunch.  We found a little Mexican cantina with free wifi -- can you guess what we wound up doing?  =]

Tomorrow is Gordo Banks, and hammerheads, hopefully!!